Sunday, June 26, 2016

June 26, 2016 - More photos from Hunt Mountain last week.

This is one of the limestone "castles" up top set back from the face of Hunt Mountain.  Snow drifts can be twenty to thirty feet deep in these outcroppings in late spring.  The road is usually snowed in until late June or July.  This year it was accessible a bit earlier.  You can see by the color it has been dry.  Usually the alpine meadow would be lush green this time of year.

Moss Pink and Alpine Forget-me-nots.

Alpine Forget-me-nots in the fractured limestone slabs on top of the mountain.

This little sunflower grows at the very top of the mountain.  They are perhaps 6" tall and the biggest flowers are about 3" in diameter.  I love its name - "Old Man of the Mountains".  The three summits on the distant horizon starting from the left (in the middle of the photo) are Medicine Mountain, Bald Mountain, and Duncum Mountain.  The cliff face on the very right is part of Hunt Mountain.

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