Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 1, 2016 - I had an interesting morning...quite exciting really, as it turned out.  I got charged by a bull moose.  Yes, the same fellow that was here last week.  We were getting along very well I thought.  He was behind the cabin (a dead end as it turned out) and I was sitting on the back patio drinking my coffee with a tree between he and I.  I was sitting on the ground and moved about three feet to better see around the tree.  I can tell you unequivocally that the bull took quick and specific exception to my moving out from behind the tree line.  He rushed right at me with his head down.  I threw my coffee all over the patio and crawled and duck walked back toward the house.  This all took about three seconds.  As he briskly kept on toward me with his gigantic head and little bulging eyes, I yelled out at him NO!!, (in an oddly soprano voice); and he veered off my track.  How close did he get?  Well, I paced it off.  Six paces.  About 15 feet.  I made a new coffee after he huffed out of the backyard and over the fence. 



  1. Oh good lord dad. I knew this would happen some day, but I am still laughing...

  2. I would pay good money to have seen this
