Wednesday, December 28, 2016

December 28, 2016 - Wyoming Wind.  There is a very strange and very rare phenomena that can occur in Wyoming in the winter.  I have only seen it two or three times in nearly 40 years.  It happened again yesterday.  The wind blew so hard that it blew snow laying flat on the ground into snowballs.  They advance at an imperceptible rate.  Here are three photographs; the first, showing the snowballs on flat ground.  The second shows the snowballs being blown almost perpendicular to the fall line of a hill.  And the third photograph, look closely, shows the snowballs actually being blown UP the hill.  I wish I knew what the experts called this happenstance.  It is very interesting and fun.  I estimate the wind was blowing 50-60 miles per hour here along the face of the mountain.



  1. Love the pic of the snowballs on the hill! I was getting such a kick out of them on my drive to Dayton! Glad you got a picture!

  2. This is nuts, the wind is one thing I DON'T miss about Wyoming.
